• Marketing Strategies Texas

    • Malik Bailey

    Originally from Sioux Falls, South Dakota before moving to Texas in 2016. My background started in Computer Science, working shifts at Walmart and studying in the evenings. However, I eventually shifted more towards an entrepreneurial route in hopes to develop more skills as a businessman and create a future for my family. This opportunity has not only helped me professionally, but also has assisted me in developing more leadership qualities in my personal life.

  • Marketing Strategies Texas

    • Claudia Erazo

    My name is Claudia Erazo I’m 23, from Northern Virginia. I previously worked as a Data Entry Specialist & Customer Service Representative at a trucking company as well as the restaurant industry before working at Monarch Marketing Solutions. My favorite part about the business is the positive and electric energy which is highly contagious. The self-development and knowledge from successful business owners I have received has been life-changing.

  • Marketing Strategies Texas

    • Jordan Vialpando

    I am 23 years old, originally from Colorado Springs, CO.

    Before moving to Texas for opportunity, I worked closely with short term rentals. My attention to detail and organization helped me to provide a clean and inviting atmosphere for guests. This lead to a passion in interior design and decorating, transforming places into memorable and aesthetically pleasing places for people to stay in. My diverse skill set added a unique touch to the hospitality industry which sparked my curiosity into something different.

    Moving to Texas and joining this marketing firm was the best decision I’ve ever made. I’m very grateful for the opportunity it provides as well as the constant self development and development in business. My favorite part is being surrounded by such amazing and positive people who are constantly encouraging me to do my best and be my best self.

  • Marketing Strategies Texas

    • Yassmen Sheikha

    My name is Yassmen Sheikha. I’m 25, born and raised in Dallas, TX. I’ve been in the beauty industry since I was 19. What I love about the business and the opportunity is all of the constant growth and development and getting the chance to work with successful people who have the same mindset and goals as I do. The business has impacted my life tremendously and has also helped with my personal habits and leadership skills. “A person only learns in two ways, one by reading and the other by association with smarter people.”

  • Marketing Strategies Texas

    • Brianna Butler

    My name is Brianna .I am 33 yrs old. Born in Dallas, grew up in Garland. I attended the University of Illinois In Champaign Urbana . Before Joining the Organization my background was in title/escrow , Real-estate and I had to take a break to have my child Jaxon who is almost 2. As a single Parent I was Looking for something to propel my personal growth as well as physical Growth. What I love most about being here is the ability to be in an environment of young entrepreneurs that really value the coaching and development of each other. Since Joining the program I have developed better habits, stronger communication skills, and a better understanding on building, assisting and training other people not only in the program but my personal life as well. Working here has definitely made me a better Person, Mother, Sister and Friend. This help me realize that the ability to change your life is closer than you think, you just have to take a chance to create your own Success.

  • Marketing Strategies Texas

    • Elias Ovando

    I’m 20 years old and from Garland, Texas My previous background includes management and customer service. The time I have been in this company not only has my work life improved but also my personal. The amount of time and effort the company pours into everyone here has been truly been a blessing and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for the business.
